Sunday, November 15, 2009

Wow! New game! I think whoever guessed that the volcano had something to do with a new game should get a cookie. I think that the fireness of the new game does have something to do with the volcano.
I'm sorta mad though that the game is only for members! My membership ran out...and I don't fell like buying a new one. Have fun with the game when it comes out, members! :)

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Sensei's Scavenger Hunt How-to (cont'd)

Blogger is being a butt and is only letting me upload 5 images per post, so this is part 2.

6. For the sixth, go down to the Cove and click on the stick below the bonfire.

7. For the seventh, go up to the Beacon on the Lighthouse and click on the jetpack next to Jetpack Adventure.

8. For the eighth and final fire thingy, go to the Dojo and click on the left lantern. Notice it glows more than the other.

You then click 'Claim Prize', and you will get a fire pin!
-Ellacroc, CPK Manager

Sensei's Scavenger Hunt How-to

1. For the first article of fire, go to the Ski Lodge. There click on the hearth.

2. For the second one, go up to the Book Room above the coffee shop. Click on the candle by the bookcase.

3. For the third, stop by the Pet Shop and click on the black puffle inside the cage.

4. For the fourth, go to the Mine and click on the lantern by Cart Surfer.

5. For the fifth, go to the Pizzaria and click on the hot sauce on top of the oven.

Sunset Theme???

I'm also bewildered about this whole sunset theme going on throughout Club Penguin. Could it have something to do with the volcano about to erupt? I think so. I read up on volcanoes, and what I read said the area around the volcano gets very hot and dark, having to do with the tectonic plates and that the Earth is about to let loose.

Anyway, it really pretty. :)

-Ellacroc, CPK Manager

Friday, September 25, 2009


Wow. There's a volcano behind the dojo that appeared awhile ago, and it's definitely NOT dormant. What do you think is going to happen when it erupts? The end of the world?! Hope not, Club Penguin is fun. :)


Sunday, September 6, 2009


Sorry I've been vacant for a while. I was really down in the dumps with school going on and everything, and was even thinking of shutting this site down..... But then I saw the 24 (!) comment to my catalog post and I was so happy that people liked this blog. So now..... I'M BACK!

Thanks guys, for picking me up.

-Ellacroc, CPK Manager

Friday, May 1, 2009

Clothes Catalog

Ok, so today Club Penguin issued the new May clothing catalog! I love the new stuff they have. I was right about the blue dragon! Sorry about the poll, by the way. I forgot to change it. Here are where the hidden items are:

To find the woodsman's hat, click on the right window:

For the Crystal Staff, click on the right larger stone:

To find the blue dragon costume, go to the 3rd page and click on the dragon's shadow:

To find the graduation cap, go to page 4 and click on the left teacup on the table:

More cheats on the way!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Okay, now I've Got This Thing Figured Out! Medival Party 2009!

Okay, so first of all, I'd like to give a big thanks to Allie Rocks3, 'cause she helped me learn how to capture images. Thanks!

Now, here we go with the updates.

Club Penguin is having another medival party this year. The one last year was really cool; this one seems even better! CP is having a Members only 'knight hunt' (sorry non-members) with mazes and labyrinths. Sounds cool!

My favorite part of the party was the dragon costume. Here's me in mine:

I think this year it's going to be a blue dragon costume. What about you? Visit my poll to vote!

More updates comin' soon!

Oh, by the way, sorry for the wait!

-Ellacroc, CPK Manager (finally decided on manager!)

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Get Ready for Pictures!

Hey y'all Club Penguin Krew there! Get ready for the beginning of my blog *mumbles* finally.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Welcome to the Club Penguin Krew!

Welcome all to this humble site of cheats, tips, glitches, secrets, and more! Since I created my first penguin, Grassina456, I've had a great time on Club Penguin, waddeling around and playin' games. I always knew there were some unknown things that a person couldn't find out without a good cheat site, so I Googled "club penguin cheats" and from then on I have found an awesome site (Club Penguin Gang) and followed Mimo777's entries faithfully. I felt I wanted to help other newbies with finding out the secrets of Club Penguin, and thus the Club Penguin Krew was created!